Deep Nights.

Ronnie M.
Be Yourself
Published in
2 min readJan 27, 2019


be a blessing, although you have been cursed,

continue to be the light you are searching for,

when everything is so dark you cant see your next move,

when you trip over your own foot due to the blurriness,

dizzy and stumbling, suddenly everything you know is forgotten,

yet, you still have the taste for the victory,

like the person in your dreams, the one with many lives,

the one that runs with the speed of a cheetah,

the one who ran thru the wet mud, and high slippery mountains

you thought they got away, you thought they made it,

you seen them get to the top and breathe easy, relaxed finally,

looking around with eyes full of security, peace,

they were safe

in the same instance you watch their eyes fill with worry, and sorrow,

because the darkness had swept again, leaving nothing but a lump in your throat,

the person is you, the darkness has you, you lost.

running with the speed of light, you are back faster than you left,

not looking behind you just striving, headed straight for the light,

the route is now familiar, you are moving with confidence,

keep running.

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keep in mind that i’m an artist….and im sensitive about my shit! -Erykah Badu